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Friday, July 30, 2010

My pimple free skin tips. (teen talk part 1)

Nowadays, Us teens are prone to pimples so im giving you some tips to avoid this nightmare.

Unhealthy food consumption might be the very first reason for you getting pimples. You should enjoy a healthy diet as well as a hygienic lifestyle so that you can improve your skin tone. Eating healthy foods help to clean the system internally. If you are internally fine then you have a better chance of making your skin clean and bright without having any pimples. To keep your skin clean you should wash it twice a day with a face wash and wipe off with warm water. With the right steps you can learn how to get rid of pimples fast sooner than you think.

Many teenagers experience pimple breakouts. During puberty you have to face the hormonal changes happening in your body. Many adults also suffer from similar type pimple problems.There are different types of pimples and it all depends on what type of skin the person has. If you are not careful when pimples are ignored it can leave visible scars on your skin.

Everyone wants to get rid of the pimples, especially when they appear on our face. For some reason they always seem to appear at the worst possible time. To get rid of this problem there are creams and ointments available. If the condition seems to be getting worse then it is recommended to visit your local dermatologist to help find a solution.

Do not pop the pimples if you can avoid it. There are times when the pimple appears in the most visible place. This is very uncomfortable and annoying and can quite often interfere with an important occasion that you must attend. These are situations that you have to face at certain times in your life. You want to come up with a solution that you can get rid of these pimples as soon as possible without causing irritation and spreading to other areas of the body. You start popping the pimple but end up with a puffy, red or pink mark showing up that looks just as bad.

To get rid of the pimples fast you can follow some easy steps to help soothe your skin. It is not recommended to apply the expensive lotions and creams as quite often they can do more harm than good. It is best to know the reason why the pimples are forming on your skin in the first place and then work on clearing them up.

Water is one of the best ways to clear up your skin blemishes. It is a natural product and helps flush out the bad toxins out of your body which assist in maintaining a healthy, glowing skin. Stick to good hygiene and always use all natural products to eradicate your pimples.

Actually me i dont use any creams or anti pimple & oily products, because for my own belief, if i used those products my skin gets into worse (as my mom said) because for my age even though Im already a teen my skin is not as healthy if i used those harshed products.

My only secret is Natural Pulp or juice of a ORANGE Fruit, its all natural!

Here are the steps how to used it and apply to your face:

First of all Wash your face

2nd Let your face until it dries.

3rd get some tissue then put the pulp there.

4th squeeze and Put it all over your face.

This will not just help you to avoid pimple but it will help you to refreshen up your face and Be proud of Yourself how pretty and looking Good you are.

So what are you waiting for?Do some moves!

I hope these tips will help and make your face a pimple free face.

Ciao~! Take Care. Until next Blogging.

Signing Off.........

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